You are currently browsing the monthly archive for février 2009.


En farfouillant sur le net à la recherche de truc sympa à vous montrer, je suis tomber sur ce post.
J’ai toujours aimé les livre en tant qu’objets mais aussi œuvres d’art. Beaucoup trop de livres, pas assez de temps pour tout lire mais ce n’est pas une raison pour les découper !

Mais Brian Dettmer fait ça tellement bien. Page par page, il les transforme en objets d’art.

Pour en savoir plus sur l’artiste :
Packer Gallery web site

Toomey Toorel Gallery

There are some great authors unknown to the mass audience that have managed to gather a faithful group of lovers (fanatics?). One of them is the great Lovecraft responsible for the cult of Cthulhu.

Tales of  madness, horror from outer spaces, evil cultists, dark gods and unspeakable oaths.

There were several attempts to put his work on screen, rather badly done we have to admit !

All our hopes are now into Dan Gildark ‘s hands and his movie : «  Cthulhu. Welcome home to the end of the world« 

Definitely not a wannabe blockbuster, was Tori Spelling casted for a Deep One role ?, we hope this new adaptation will honour the memory of the father of modern horror in literature.

And for you eyes only :


I’ve just found out a project to make a new screen version of the famous Pride & Prejudice.

The movie will be based on a book by Seth Grahame-Smith due to be published in the USA in April (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for Quirk Books). The author has already written How To Survive A Horror Movie and The Big Book of Porn. Unforgettable moments of literature.
So then, Feelings, Legacy and Zombies……

The oddest is the interest of Sir Elton John to be in charge of the production.


For you to wait until next week for new articles.

A flickr group on book covers and the Joe Kral gallery

And to finish, an article on a french blog

Enjoy !


I am probably in a kind of « book-cover-design-mood » this week.
Here’s an article I’ve dug up from the depth of the excellent Smashing Magazine published last April on …. well… books covers !



Following our previous post on cover design, I found this article on the excellent design blog Fubiz.
The idea is to print blank covers with large pixel on the edge. Place your books back on the shelves to see old school pixel art and icons !
Wonder how to find your favourite books after that !


The last (january) french edition of advancedphotoshop, a magazine for design professionals and passionates, has a very interesting article on the design of book covers : the prerequisites, the rules around it, some pieces of advices from professionals and a couple of exemple.
This reminded me of a great collection from penguin books : My Penguin.
The idea behind that is to sell at reasonable price classics with a blank cover, to let the customers design it by their own taste and then to publish these covers on the My Penguin website..
It also highlights covers from famous artists.
Although you can no longer submit your covers, this kind of offer shows the innovative approach of Penguin Books to get in touch with the readers

Lectures du moment

De la bd et un Thomas Pynchon

Pensées en passant

"Le livre, comme livre, appartient à l’auteur, mais comme pensée, il appartient—le mot n’est pas trop vaste—au genre humain. Toutes les intelligences y ont droit.

Si l’un des deux droits, le droit de l’écrivain et le droit de l’esprit humain, devait être sacrifié, ce serait, certes, le droit de l’écrivain, car l’intérêt public est notre préoccupation unique, et tous, je le déclare, doivent passer avant nous."

Victor Hugo
